1. Game Format

  • 12 minute halves/2 minute half-time break – rolling clock i.e. no clock stoppages.
  • No time outs.
  • 5 players a side (You do not require a female to be always on the court).

2. Notable rule differences to regular basketball

  • Males cannot actively block a female player shooting – but females can block other
  • For clarification for b) above, males can hold their position and raise their arms
    straight up but cannot actively defend by leaning in or moving.
  • No strict 24 second rule enforced – at their discretion, the referee will tell players that
    they need to move the ball around and attempt to score or else it becomes the
    opposition’s ball.

3. Substitutions

  • Substitutions can be made during any break of play (e.g. ball out of bounds, half
  • At the referee’s discretion, mandatory substitutions may be required in order to allow
    everyone to have a fair amount of game time.

4. Violations – resulting in an opponent throw-in from the sideline

  • Double dribble
  • Travelling
  • Not passing/shooting/dribbling the ball within 5 seconds if closely guarded.
  • Not bringing the ball into the opponent’s half of the court within 8 seconds.
  • Ball returned to the backcourt
  • Goaltending
  • Interference in and around, or with, the hoop thereby affecting the ball entering the

5. Fouls – resulting in an opponent throw-in from the sideline or points that would
have been scored from a shot attempt (see ‘Scoring’ section).

  • Illegal screening
  • Charging (except for within the no-charge semi-circle areas)
  • Blocking – illegal personal contact that impedes the progress of an opponent with or
    without the ball
  • Repeatedly jabbing an opponent
  • Hooking/wrapping/holding an opponent
  • Pushing off an opponent
  • Using an extended arm fend to prevent opponents coming close when dribbling
  • Any violent, disrespectful or unsportsmanlike conduct as determined by the referee

Sin Bin up to 5 minutes (rather than permanent send-off):

  • The same player commits 5 fouls or 1 foul to a very serious degree.
  • A permanent send-off may occur if the referee deems that the conduct was very
    unsportsmanlike or violent.

For an in-depth explanation of general basketball rules, please see FIBA’s Official Rulebook: